September 15, 2009

God's love and healing.

isn't it funny how people come and go?
one day, you can have a person who is your VERY best friend. i'm talking like B.F.F's. and then the next they move on and you are all alone.. or so you think.
so you go on this search for a new best friend? why do we even do that?
WHY? because we need people in our lives. but why does it have to be so hard?
people come and go.
so then you find your new best friend, but something goes wrong there. so you gotta start all over again. only this time, you never "find" another one. and at first, you feel like the lonliest person on the planet. we're talking ultimate depression here. why does this happen to me, God? is it too much to ask for a close friend to have?
but you try to adjust. you go from friend to friend, trying to find the one who you just click with, you know what i'm talking about? the one that you could say anything, anything at all, and they would totally get you, they wouldn't judge you; if you needed to vent, they would listen, if you wanted advice, they'd give it to you, etc. etc.
but alas, you can't find this person. so life itself seems to be over for you. sure, life goes on, but it doesn't mean much because when something happens, you don't have this person to go talk to, and do everything together with.
so you keep looking. and you try your hardest. you might say things a little differently, just so you can finally find this person to be the "one."
people come and go.
so then you start to just have multiple friends. and you think to yourself, there's no way this will work. i like having lots of friends, but without that one closest friend, how can i keep all the other ones straight?
but you try.
you try your hardest, but it's not working.
now here's the good part. are you paying attention?
God comes. He does something big. He brings lots of new, special people into your life. no, i'm not talking about that "special someone," i'm just talking about friends worthy to have your loyalty. He gives you all these blessings you don't deserve, all these friends that start to leave the thumbprints of God all over you. and you know what? you like that.
so you get used to having lots of friends, because you know what the important thing is?
God is your number one friend. you're realizing now that these people are going to come and go. because after all people do that, you know. but now you have newfound hope. what's the difference, you might say?
God moved you in a radical way. and now instead of thinking me, me, me, you're thinking GOD, GOD, GOD. instead of wanting to fit your "needs" by finding a new best friend, you just want to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ and that He is the best friend you will ever have.
now don't get me wrong here, you see those pictures of you and your best friend from a couple years ago and go, wow, i miss that. but when you remember God's love and how big it is, it fills up the hole in your heart, little by little. and we can only hope that one day, that hole will not just be filled, but will be overflowing so that you may share His love with others.

in case you didn't figure it out, this is my story. and the last part is one of the most important. the whole reason i would share this story is so that anyone who reads this would catch a glimpse of God's love and the healing that only He can do. God loves you no matter where you are, what you've done, what you're going through. and whether you've lost a best friend, or are going through something much more heartwrenching, i promise:

He can heal you.

